Heya! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty amazing and that`s not bragging, but pure excitement. Haha, just saying. ;) Anyhow, now it`s time to get serious and work hard, because on Friday I`m flying to Cologne (can`t wait) to meet my erasmus family and have one of those "best weekends ever", but before that I`d like to share a couple of things with you guys and the first one is today`s post. ;)

This time I won`t write about travels, food or interior, but we`ll talk fashion. I know that`s not usual for me, but hey, we all have to grow, evolve and try new things, don`t you think so? :)
As some of you may noticed, a while ago I started creating content for Instagram profile of Hofer Slovenija and this time, I`ve got a chance to participate in a fashion story written by Jette Joop, a German fashion designer that created an exclusive collection for Hofer`s brand Blue Motion.

I decided to go with black classics that fit my style and can also be used in many different stylings, so I chose black ankle boots (I was truly surprised, because they might be the most comfortable ankle boots I`ve ever owned), amazing bucket bag with burgundy inside (because buckets bag are big this year + that`s the color of this fall - at least what I`ve read), a burgundy long scarf that I love and of course, a black cardigan. I was actually planning to deliver quality photos for this post, but both photographers that I wanted to work with were busy in the end, so an Iphone saved the day again. ;) 

It was a beautiful Autumn day, walking through romantic Štanjel (check out my previous blog post about a day trip to Štanjel here). 

Let me know if you liked this post by clicking like (below) or even better, leave me a comment! ;) 

Here I go, until the next time ...




  1. Maja, nice! A veš, da sem že pri Ani opazila...
    Uživaj na potovanju. Še in še.

  2. Veseli nas, da ste preziveli lep dan v srednjeveskem Stanjelu, ki je za marsikoga se neodkrit kamencek v mozaiku izletov. Vi pa ste ta kamencek ze odkrili in ga delite naprej z ostalimi.


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