| Weekend | △ Julian Alps △

Photos / Instagram: majarotovnik

Holidays. So much needed. I wish there would be even more days off, but hey, soon I'll get four more and that's a real treat for someone who has zero days of vacations left. Yeah, I know that new year is around the corner and with that also new vacation days, but still, let me complain a bit please. ;)

Damn, I can't believe that freakin' 2016 is already here! Time flies by so fast that my brains can barely get it. If I think back, 2015 was quite good to me... I've been to Berlin, Amsterdam, London and Lisbon + 14 days of Croatia seaside, where I was charging my batteries + a loot of day trips.  Still, not enough for me, cuz I know, I could do so much more. /Wanderlust, baby./
People are asking me, how many days off work do I get, cuz they think I'm around a lot, but honestly, that question annoys me a bit, because like everyone else I have (not so many) days off + my priority in life are travels, which means, that if I have the time and money, I'll always invest in trips, because that's what I love about life!

Anyway, holidays are mostly over and I've been eating a lot (oink oink)!  So, the only smart thing to do, was going for a hike on 26th, because it was the most beautiful sunny warm Saturday December could offer. Trip to Gorenjska was a done deal, because there is sun, snow and mountains. I guess one of my fav destinations in this time of a year. It's absolutely beautiful!
I've made it to the top of Viševnik (2050m) without too much stress. I was even able to breathe normally which made me happy happy! If you were reading me a while back, you might noticed that I've had some health issues and I haven't been as active as I used to be, but that my dear friends will change, because I'm getting back in the shape. Hell yeah I am! 

Allright, that's a short recap. I hope I'll manage to write more, because I have quite some things I'd like to share with you guys (like always). ;) 

Wish you all fantastic holidays, full of spontaneous decisions, happy moments, lots of laughter, hot chocolate, cookies, cozy talks, long walks and crazy parties with your beloved ones! 
xo M.

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