I made an announcement earlier today, that this post will be on the blog in the afternoon and here it is, for all the cooking enthusiasts. ;) Ahh, Ive been struggling, because it's Friday (yey, happy day) and I'm so sleepy right now (which is normal, because on Fridays I usually have a serious lack of sleep from the whole week). I wanted to write this post outside on the balcony, to enjoy a lil bit of sun and light breeze, but the sun left me and decided to have it's own party behind the clouds, and the light breeze suddenly became a cold breeze, so I ended up in my bed, relaxed, happy & tired. I'm in my hometown (Celje) this weekend, because our dear friend is celebrating his 40th b-day, so obviously I won't sleep much today either. ;) Haha, ok, I could go on and on about the story of my life, but let's talk about the important things now. ;)
Instagram: majarotovnik |
First of all I'd like to thank Totaliteta for sending me The Oh She Glows Cookbook: Over 100 Vegan Recipes to Glow from Inside Out, to review it. They translated & published the book in March 2015.
I'm not a vegan, nor vegetarian, but I love trying out new things and Vegan kitchen was always interesting for me, because it was something new, with ingredients that I didn't know, techniques that I never used, but honestly, a lot of times I took recipes from the internet and there was always something on the recipe that or I didn't know what it is or it was unable to buy it here (or maybe I was just unlucky, who knows).
This book was like a new discovery for me. I realised that Vegans can eat damn good food and since I'm a foodie, imagine my happiness realising that (ok, it's not like I didn't know, but I never really tried anything mind blowing).
The voice behind the book is Angela Liddon, the author of Oh She Glows. <3
After an introduction of her previous health habits and slow evolution to a vegan kitchen, she also gives us a glimpse into her pantry and kitchen gadgets (always good to know, out of curiosity and because it's helpful to know what you'll need while preparing all this amazing meals).
She focuses on plant-based, healthy whole foods, free of chemicals and additives. The book is divided into 10 chapters: breakfast, smoothies/juices/teas, pre-appetizers, salads, soups, main courses, side dishes, power snacks, desserts and homemade basics.
I loved the fact that it's written so simple and that all the ingredients are approachable. Almost every recipe is followed by a stunning photo that makes you feel craving for food. I admit that I went over the book like a hundred times, just to admire the photos and check what I want to cook first. I think I'll go through the whole book, cuz my instinct tells me that it's going to be a wonderful cooking journey for me. :)
Oh, and what I also love is that with every recipe you have a tag if it's gluten-free, soy free, sugar free .., which is great if you are allergic to something and want to make your own version of the recipe.
I actually wanted to share two recipes with you, but I came home late last night, so I just did one - Creamy Vegetable Vegan Curry, and the other one will wait for the next time. :)
It was absolutely delicious. Creamy, sweet and a lil bit spicy. Everything that I imagined it will be.
So, for the recipe, we'll do like this. I found an English one here, so I'll just share it with you because I'd write the same one + you have a nice option to print it out and I'll write one in Slovenian because that one I didn't find so it obviously, makes more sense to write it down. :)
(I hope that's allowed though... haha, I mean, like seriously?)
Čas priprave: 25 min Čas kuhanja: 25 min
△ brez glutena △ brez soje △ brez sladkorja
- 1/2 skodelice (125ml) indijskih oreščkov, ki jih namočimo
- 1 žlica (15ml) kokosovega olja
- 1 majhna čebula, sesekljana
- 3 stroki česna, sesekljani
- 1 1/2 (7ml) naribanega svežega ingverja
- 1 zelen čili ali jalapeno, razsemenjen in narezan na kockice (po želji)
- 2 srednje velika krompirja ali 1 sladek krompir, olupljen, narezan na kockice (približno 2 skodelici/500ml) *jaz sem uporabila sladek krompir*
- 2 srednja korenčka, narezana na kockice (2 skodelici/500ml)
- 1 rdeča paprika, nasekljana
- 1 velik paradižnik, razsemenjen in sesekljan *ker mi je zmanjkalo paradižnika, sem dala malo mezge*
- 2 žlici (30ml) kakovostnega rumenega currya v prahu
- 1/2 žličke (2ml) fino mlete morske soli ali po okusu
- 3/4 skodelice (175ml) zamrznjenega ali svežega graha
- koriander za okras (po želji) *zamenjano za peteršilj, namreč koriander ni moj prijatelj*
- basmati riž, ko postrežemo
- popečeni indijski oreščki, za posip
1. Indijske oreščke čez noč ali vsaj za dve ure namočimo. Tik pred uporabo jih odcedimo in speremo. Dodamo 3/4 skodelice (175ml) vode in v sekljalniku zmeljemo, da dobimo gladko in kremasto zmes. (wow, jaz sem bila prav lepo presenečena, kakšna lepa smetanca je prišla ven).
2. V veliki ponvi na olju pražimo čebulček, česen in ingver cca 5 min na srednje močnem ognju.
3. Vmešamo zeleni čili (ali jalapeno), krompir in korenje, rdečo papriko, paradižnik, curry v prahu in sol. Pražimo še dodatnih 5 min.
4. Vmešamo "smetano" indijskih oreščkov in dodamo še zamrznjen grah. Ponev pokrijemo s pokrovom in kuhamo pri nizki srednji temperaturi 20 min, oz. dokler se zelenjava ne zmehča. Vsakih 5 min premešamo. Če se zmes izsuši, dodamo v ponev pljunsk vode ali olja in premešamo.
5. Ponudimo na podlagi riža basmati (po želji, lahko uporabite tudi kvinojo, kuskus ali kakšen drug nadomestek) in potresemo s sesekljanim koriandrom (v mojem primeru peteršiljem) in popečenimi indijskimi oreščki za okras.
Voila, to je to, pa dober tek! ;)
btw, knjigo si lahko naročite Tukaj.
I hope you enjoyed the post and if you will make this kick ass curry, let me know! ;)
Happy Cooking!
xo, Maja
Diši, diši... in ne dvomim o okusu. Indijski oreščki so res ena prima popestritev kulinarike...
ReplyDeleteIn Totaliteta je kulkul...
Uživaj vikend in naj bo dooooooooooooolg!
Hvala, Sabina, jaz pa ti želim lep začetek tedna! Da se nam bo končno vrnilo poletje! ;)
DeleteWonderful post! I love it:)