:: I`m back ::

Uh, after a long time, I`m back! ;) First I was traveling in Mexico for three weeks, which was a really great experience and than the last weekend I was in Barcelona for our 10th Erasmus reunion. Damn, we still got it, after 5 years. I`m so proud on us, but yeah, it`s because we love each other and have made a really strong bond during all the years. It`s getting harder though, cuz everyone works already + eventually kids will come and so on... hih, than we`ll take babysitters with us and the problem is solved. :) 
Anyhow, I`ll make updates during this week, I just need to get in shape, cuz I`m at home sick for the last two days - food poisoning.  I dont know from where, maybe something came after me from Mexico, or I just ate smth at home (which I doubt). I was in so much pain yesterday, I don`t even remember when I experienced smth like that before. It was awful, but what`s important is that I feel much better today! ;) 
So, stay tuned and be happy! <3 
xo, M.

Do you remember my post from last year, when I organised a picnic in the park? (check the post here). Well, this year we`ll continue with the tradition, so if you are from Celje or around Celje or maybe just wish to do a one day trip, come and have fun with us on 14th of June! ;) 


  1. on 14th of June, have on Laško for my sake =)

    1. Nuno, will do! I`ll send you a photo so that sharing will be more personal. ;)
      beijinhos x

  2. Sem spremljala tvoje popotovanje preko IGja - božansko :)!
    Hitro se pozdravi :)!


    1. Gita, sem opazila in sem ful vesela, da me spremljas tudi na IG! ;)
      Hvala <3

  3. Kako lepo, da imate obletnice, res hvale vredno. Pozdravi se!

    1. Neja, res je. Sploh, ker je 20 ljudi ful težko organizirat. Sicer pa, vsepovsod kjer je volja, se lahko delajo čudeži! (tko jzt pravim) :)
      Hvala za želje, jih potrebujem, ker mi zdravje pošteno nagaja. ;)

  4. Uf, Mexico. Tja bi šel samo zaradi hrane ;)

    1. DB, ja, hrana te sigurno ne bi razočarala, ker je vse ful dobro. :)
      Street food je mene sploh prepričal. ;)

  5. Še več slik bi... Prava paša za očke.
    Čim hitrejše okrevanje želim (:

    1. Evelina, fotke prihajajo, ti samo pridno spremljaj blogec. ;)
      + hvala za želje <3


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