I`m sitting on a couch, being super lazy (or maybe just tired) and actually having a hard time writing this post. Btw, that feels weird . I guess you already noticed I`m not as active as I used to be. It`s not that I don`t have any ideas, or that my creative mind would leave me, it`s just that I have too many ideas and don`t really know what to do with them. Again, weird.
I`ve been doing so many different things lately, that blogging became kind of a side thing. Also, after a shitty winter that we had, finally sunny days kicked in, so I spend a lot of my free time outside.
On a Sunday morning I went for a run and in the end I stopped by the river, just soaking up the sun, listening to the music... bam, half an hour, gone. Damn, it felt so good!
I`m thinking a lot lately... about different things, about life, generally. What I want, where I am, where I want to be... it`s not that simple, but there`s always a way to find your dreams, right?
I`m thinking also about Mikstejp and what to do with it... keep it? Shut it down? I might start something a bit different, because I feel that my vision changed. I want to try something new and see if it works. I have this feeling, that it`s time, to move on. Maybe it`s just a moment of weakness, or maybe it`s not. I don`t know.
Ah, this last week was kind of emotional. I did a small project if I may say so. I found out about this family that was hit by the crisis really hard, so they ended up asking for the food on the internet. I had a coffee with the wife and she is such a nice person & her story is so deep, that she convinced me that I want to help their family. First, it was just me, but than I realized I can do so much more, if I also ask my friends, family and co-workes to help me out, to help them out. I know there are a lot of people needing help out there and I know that I didn`t save this family, but hey, for sure we managed to take their thoughts away from thinking if they`ll have food tomorrow - for at least two months! Thanks again for participating, you were all amazing, I never expected that we`ll gather 15 boxes of food/clothes/school supplies and other stuff + the money. C`mon, it was surreal. They were so happy and I was happy, because I know now, that there are still good people out there, people willing to help out others in need. Thank you for that. I hope I`ll never be in that situation, but if I will, than I`m counting on the good people out there, to help me out, because life is uncurtain and you can only predict it to some level, but not all the way. Weird. I never thought I`ll make a post like this, but I really feel like I could write a book now. You see, from struggling to write the beginning of the post, to a feeling I could write a whole damn book. Weird.
Bed time. Good night!
xo. M.
Pa ne no, v bistvu pa te tudi razumem. Bloganje nam vzame kar nekaj časa.
ReplyDeleteTo, s pomočjo družini je hvale vredno. Thumbs up!
Thx za support! Pa sej nimam želje končat bloganja, mogoče razširiti ali pa blog zastaviti malce drugače.. sem v fazi tuhtanja, bom vidla, kaj mi uspe naumit. :)
Keep going! Tako ali drugače! Redno ali le občasno... Pa še eno knjigo zraven:)
ReplyDeleteAh, kaj vse bi človek spremenil, če bi vedel vnaprej... ali če bi imel še eno možnost...
Napolni baterije s sončkom in ... bodi lepo!
Sabina, hvala. Ti si res zlata, vedno najdeš kakšne spodbudne besede. ;)
Tudi sama sem v tem obdobju, ko se sprašujem, kaj si želim, v katero smer se obrniti… In to je pogumno. Veliko lažje je samo nadaljevati brez spraševanja. In to s spreminjanjem vizije - to je dober znak :)