I was in sauna a few days ago and a friend had a magazine wit her, so while she was reading, I was just glancing over the pages and I saw this recipe that looked super delicious, so I took a photo of it and this is how I came to this post about banana cake with wallnuts. :)
I actually made three of them in the last week! What can I say, I have friends with good taste that like to try out my cooking masterpieces. :)
Anyhow, Banana cake + Lemon cake = winwin! :)
So, if you want to make a banana cake of your own, you`ll need:
3 ripe bananas (3 zrele banane)
300g spelt flour (300g pirine moke)
125g butter (125g masla, jaz sem uporabila kokosovo)
100g brown sugar (100g rjavega sladkorja)
2 eggs (2 jajci)
100g walnut kernels (100g orehovih jedrc)
1/2 baking powder (1/2 pecilnega praška)
2 tbs sour cream (2 žlici kisle smetane)
cinnamon (cimet), a pinch of salt (ščepec soli), nutmeg (muškatni orešček)
SLO: Model namastite z maslom, ostalo maslo pa zmehčajte. Grobo sesekljajte orehova jedrca in z vilicami pretlačite banane. Te zmešajte z zmehčanim maslom in jim dodajte še jajci ki ste jih razžvrkljali s sladkorjem.
Moko presejte v skledo in ji dodajte pecilni prašek, cimet, muškatni orešček in sol. Suhe sestavine dobro zmešajte s preostalimi in na koncu dodajte še orehe - nekaj si jih pustite, da jih boste potresli po vrhu. Testo vlijte v namaščen pekač in pecite okrog 45 min v pečici, segreti na 180 stopinj.
ENG: Grease the cake model with butter, soften the rest of it (I just "cooked" it, so I got liquid out of it). Mash bananas with a fork, add butter,sour cream & eggs, which you have mixed with sugar. Next step is to sieve the flour into a bowl, add baking poweder, cinnamon, nutmeg and that pinch of salt. Mix the dry ingridients with the rest and on the end add the wallnuts - leave some, for the decoration. Bake 45 minuts at 180 degrees. Sorry, I discovered that my english is not so good when it comes to the cooking expressions, but I think, you`ll still be able to make a damn fine banana cake! ;)
xo, M.
mmm... looks delicious :)
ReplyDeleteit is delicious! ;)
Deletejoj tole je tko dobr! yumm
ReplyDeleteDvakrat sem ga naredila in obakrat sem si uspela izboriti samo po en kos. Bo treba ponoviti vajo. :)
DeleteMmmmmm, diši čez fotko in monitor.
ReplyDeletehihi, veš kako je šele dišalo po hiši ;)
DeleteSe pridružujem ostalim... Slastno se vidi. In ... zamika, da preizkusim.
ReplyDeleteNaj bo čarobno in naj traja!
Mmm, jaz tudi prav vonjam ta bananin kruh.. Njami...
ReplyDeleteZdaj ko imam malo več časa je tudi meni uspelo tole nardit:)..Ful dobr in tudi pri nas je hitro pošlo..po nekaj poskusih pa bo tud zgledalo tko lepo kot tvoje:)
ReplyDeleteMaša, sej ni tok važno kako izgleda, glavno je, da je okusno. ;)
DeleteHehe, me pa veseli, da si se oglasila na Mikstejp, le pridi še kaj.
Upam, da si ok, vem da je čas že napočil, zato ti želim, da bo vse skupaj brez zapletov in pa vesele praznike. Boste praznovali dvojno! ;) *