| cuisine | :: PUMPKIN SOUP ::

Outside it`s 40 degrees and I`m sick. Well, actually I got sick because of the weather, at least that`s what the doctor said. Anyway, I couldn`t keep any food inside me for two days now and today I got this weird craving for a pumpkin soup. Lucky as I am, I had some home grown pumpkins that were waiting to be used, so I made my all time favourite - pumpkin soup! #yum

Here is what you need and how you need to do it: 
  • 1/2 hokkaido pumpkin
  • 1/2 green hokkaido pumpkin (the small one on the photo above, but I`m not really sure it`s hokkaido as well - sorry for that) :) 
  • carrot ( 2x ) 
  • potato ( 1x ) 
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • rosemary 
  • cilantro
  • and for the end: a bit of a pumpkin oil + pistachio

You put a little bit of olive oil in the pan, then add garlic and carrots and mix it for a minute or two. Next step is to add the potato + everything else, including the herbs & mix it for another minute.
Add water, I think I used about a liter of it, but you`ll see how it will be, depends if you like it rare or thick.
Than leave it until it`s well cooked, mix it so it get`s creamy, put some pumpkin oil and pistachio on the top and voila... Bon Appétit. ;) 
That`s my all time favourite pumpkin soup, that always makes me happy. :)



  1. Replies
    1. hihi, res je in še več kot odličnega okusa! ;)
      morm priznat, da sem spraznla cel lonc (kosilo+večerja) :D

  2. Se mi cedijo sline... Njamsi! *

    1. Alenka, ti povem, da me je juhca skor pozdravla. ;)*

  3. Že barva povzdigne, a ne:)Mi je pa zanimiv dodatek bučno olje. Jaz ga uporabljam vedno le za solate...
    Samo, da si bolje!!!! Je pa te dni več kot naporno...

    1. Uh, bučno olje...solate, juhce. ;) pa kdaj tud kr tko cez narezan paradiznik, njams!

      Jah, hitra viroza, hitro okrevanje. Že po ustaljenih tirih, še dobro da je v četrtek praznik, si lahko še podaljšan vikend privoščim. ;)

      Zdrži in ne pozabi tud kej uživat! *

  4. Replies
    1. Vidim, da nas je veliko - ljubiteljev bučne juhce! ;)

  5. Tole se pa še nisem spomnil, da bi dodal pistacije. Dobra.

    1. Pistacije so zakon, povsod pašejo. Pa pinjole (zdrobljene) so tud fajn v bucni juhi. ;)


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