Yesterday I spent the morning in Ljubljana and I already forgot everything is closed untill 9/10am, so I was just walking around the streets for a bit, and then went to Lolita for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. I was the first customer, which was funny, but also good, because I had a chance to take all the photos I wanted with no interruptions. Yey! :)
Anyway, I love the place, I always stop by and I definitely recommend it to you too! You can only hope to get a free table and in the worse case scenario (when all the tables are full), just take some cake with you and eat it somewhere outside next to the river, or perhapes take it home to make someone else really happy.
On their page they wrote: " If you will enter into Lolita˝s environment, you will succumb to its charms. You will be seated in a warm sofa, staring you through the large windows and follow the movie that city center will play for you.. It will smell of almonds, chocolate, fresh biscuits, vanilla, tea and coffee. You will not want to go, until you try this precious cakes that you will be offered." and I totally agree with that! 
I just wanted a coffee, but ended up with a coffee + delicious cake! What can I do, I love cakes. :)
Lolita was designed by architectural office Trije arhitekti with Jagoda Jejčič.



  1. Vrhunska,a ne?!
    In... vedno luštne fotzografije!

    1. Sabina, več kot vrhunska. Jzt sm se čist zaljubila v ambient. Res so jo lepo poštimali, lokacija je izvrstna in slaščice so odlične. ;)
      pozdravček, M.

  2. oh lolita, men majo čudovito vzdušje pa ponudba je itak top :P super fotke!

    1. Maruša, res je. Se mi zdi, da so jo ljudje ful dobro sprejeli. Velikokrat se mi je že namreč zgodilo, da nisem dobila proste mize. :) p.s. thx za fotke, me veseli, da so ti všeč ;)

      pozdravček, M.

  3. Kakšne lepe fotke, me prime, da bi se kar zdaj odpeljala v Lj k njim na tortico :)

    1. hihi, hvala Ana ;) Pa sej s tako lepim ambientom, res ni težko naredit lepih fotk. xx

    2. To se pa tudi strinjam! Prelepo imajo :)

  4. Oh Lolita je moja najljubša! In vsakemu s katerim grem tja mu rečem, da bi točno tak ambient sama imela doma..če imam pravilne informacije so celo v Londonu dobili neko nagrado za ta ambient =)

    1. Tudi meni, vedno rajši jo imam. ;) Ja, vem kaj misliš, meni je tud ful všeč, kombinacija materialov in sam design mi je top. V Londonu so pa prejeli nagrado za najlepši dizajnerski lokal v svetovnem merilu "London Awards Design & Architecture, Restaurant & Bar Design Awards"... pohvalno, ni kaj! ;)


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