Like I wrote on my FB page it`s a busy week and I barely manage to keep up with everything that`s going on. I saw that my last post was on Sunday so I have to make some updates, but the thing is, that my weekend is already all planned up and I doubt there will be any time for bloging, but for sure I`ll take some photos. Tomorrow I have a field trip with my work, on Saturday there is again an art fair in Celje (+ my friend will be there for the first time, check it out - WoolAround - I love her work!) and afterwards I`m going to Austria (Ikea trip - yes, sadly we don`t have it in Slovenia, but that`s allright). Saturday night is reserved for a housewarming party of my friends and on Sunday I`m hoping for a small hiking trip + I have to do a lot of reading! So, that`s it....I shared all my plans with you, even though that wasn`t my intention, but I`m not going to erase the text now, cuz that wouldn`t really make a lot of sense, right?
Anyway If you are still reading this, than I guess you like my writing or you are just really bored at the moment, but either way thanks for sticking with me. ;)

Oh and about the photos I`ve picked....I love DIY interior ideas + I have a lot of ideas of what to do, but I need time for all of that. Well, I`m sure one day it will happen. :)

xo, Maja <3

ElleInterior + Hvitetulipaner.
Poppytalk + DaWanda.

Joannagoddard + Husohem


  1. Domislne rešitve in luštne ideje... Že uro klikam, pa semse sedaj spomnila, da ti še nisem rekla:"Hvala!"
    Prijeten vikend!

    1. Sabina, z veseljem in hvala ! :)
      Moj vikend je bil pa kar ok, upam da tudi tvoj! ;)

      Lp, M.

  2. Vedno preberem tekst, pa ne zato ker bi se dolgočasila. Jaz se nikoli ne. Ampak če že pogledam blog in ga komentiram, nebom samo slikic gledala ampak bom tut kaj prebrala (:

    1. Evelina, to je pa lepo slišat, ampak verjemi,da je veliko takšnih, ki bloge samo preletijo in pregledajo slike.
      Sicer pa, vsakemu svoje veselje, tud meni se včasih zgodi, da mi paše bloge čekirat, vendar nimam volje za branje in potem jih res samo preletim. ;)
      lp, M.

  3. the kids tent looks really fun! X


    1. Steph, I know! I`m sure I`ll make something like that for my kids in the future. (haha kids, I guess I`ll have more than one) :D

      xo, M.


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