| cuisine | :: BUCKWHEAT SOUFFLE ::

On of the labels on the right is called "cuisine" and that`s where I should post more of the recipes, cuz lately I`ve been slacking on that one (just a bit). It`s not that I didn`t cook, I was just way to lazy to capture the moments. I`m blaming it on this winter depression/whatever period, which sucks the energy out of me. 
But I decided I have enough and I`ll be stronger that that (I wish). 
So, today I made this Buckwheat Souffle with veggies (I hope this is the right expression, cuz I asked mr.google to help me out) & it was damn good! 

Na desni strani je ena od oznak poimenovana "cuisine" in tam bi morala skrbeti za osveževanje objav z novimi recepti, namreč zadnje čase sem jo malce zapostavila. Ni, da ne bi kuhala, samo preveč sem bila lena, da bi vse slikala in objavljala (se zgodi). Krivdo pripisujem vremenu/depresiji, ki me trenutno daje in jemlje vso energijo (počasna sem kot polž). No, danes pa je končno dan, ko sem se odločila, da je temu potrebno narediti konec, kar je kot zanalašč za novo objavo.
Nastal je narastek iz ajdove kaše, skute in zelenjave. Za prste polizat! :) 


  • 250g buckwheat
  • 250g curd 
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 sour cream
  • 1 leek (if it`s a big one, than just half of it)
  • 1 carrot (I used three)
  • 1 zucchini
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Spices (pepper + salt + whatever you like)
  • Parsley

Basically you can use any vegetable that you already have at home + as many as you like it. :) 
First you have to cook the Buckwheat, than leave it a bit, so it`s not that hot anymore. Meanwhile cut all the vegetable on small pieces & grate the carrots. Than put a little bit of oil into a pan, add garlic + onion & wait that it starts to smell heavenly and only than it`s time to add all the other veggies. 
The next step is to mix eggs + sour cream + curd. Mix it till it`s smooth. 
Than the last step is to add Buckwheat into the pan with veggies, mix it a bit + add mixture with eggs, than put everything into an oven for about 1 hour. You can add some cheese towards the end + maybe some walnuts. I added just the walnuts and the taste was perfect.
Yeez I`m sorry for my english, I`m not used to write recipes and my vocabulary is quite shitty (I admit), so I had quite some problems with writing the whole preparation process, but I managed somehow. 

Bom apetit! x 

Recept sem si sposodila iz kulinarike, zato vam ga ne bom pisala, ampak vam kar podarjam link: Narastek iz ajdove kaše, skute in zelenajve.
Če se kdo odloči, da si zadevo skuha bom vesela, če dobim kakšen feedback. Bi pa svetovala, da malce pretiravate z začimbami, drugače zna biti prazen okus. :) 

Pa dober tek! ;) 

xo, Maja


  1. mmmm zgleda dobro! moram poskust :)

  2. O, super, da si delila to z nami, bom jaz verjetno tudi slej ko prej poskusila (:


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