I promised the second pack of photos already for yesterday, but I kind of turned off my computer when I got home, cuz all I wanted was to lay down and read. Like I mentioned in this post, I started to read 50 shades of grey and so far I`m loving it. Usually when I read books written in English it doesn`t go so fast, but with this one it`s different, I`m just flying through pages! I would classify it as an "easy book to read". 
So, if you missed the first pack of photos from Stockholm you can find them here. Today I`m sharing with you the II. pack and there will also be the III. pack. :) Enjoy! 

xo, Maja

Gamla Stan

Apple pie with vanilla sauce <3

Youngsters partying hard on a Sunday afternoon
The Swedish Museum of Architecture Stockholm

Jaka <3

That`s me! :) 


what a cool stroller! 

she want`s to study in london!

 ... and for the very end I would like to share with you this music video, even though the video is lame (cuz there is nothing), it`s worth to listen to it!  My song for the grey rainy days! ;)


  1. sm prej že hotla komentirat pa mi ni blo čis jasn zakaj ne morm haha :D uglavnm, ful dobre slike. še bolj hočem it u stockholm pa maline zgledajo tko njamsi <3
    pa glede zadne fotke, js sm enkrat vidla modela ko je mel napisano da bi rad potoval po svetu :D

  2. Absolutely love it!! Sploh tržnica. NORO. Žalostno, da gredo pri nas tržnice v maloro in se je treba prav truditi, da daš branjevkam tisto potrditev, da le ne hodijo zastojn v mesto, da to pomenijo sila dosti in da vedno znova rad poklepetaš in jim tako morda odvzemš košček problemov.

    Tudi slika jambora je UAAAAAAAA...

  3. Oh, fine fotkeee :).Pa tale apple pie....njam!


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