Last week I started with one of the DIY projects from this post. You can try and guess which one or wait `till tomorrow to find out. :) Well I hope I`ll be done by then, so that I can show you the outcome!
How was/is your weekend? I`m enjoying a lazy Sunday with a bit of a hangover. Usually I`d be upset by my laziness, but there is a shitty weather outside so I`m totally fine with laying down and watching movies.
Enjoy the rest of the Sunday! 

xoxo, Maja  


  1. Tudi takšne nedelje morajo biti.
    Moja je minila ob prebiranju knjige, izpisovanju zanimivih dejstev okoli zgodovine ter kuharije nasploh, sončenju in dremanju, opazovanju okoli, ljudi,razigranih in glasnih otrok.
    Večino nedeljskega dopoldneva sem tako preživel v mestnem parku.
    Morata priti kaj sem, sedaj ko bo Festival Lent, skoraj obvezno.
    Tudi ČITALNICA NA JASI, je ena izmed naj naj idej zadnjih let.
    Včeraj sem tam užival ob prebiranju PIKI JAKOBA ter Kdo je napravil Vidku srajčico...

  2. ful lušni projekti! moram še kj sama poskust :D

  3. You gave me such a great idea for the key stand! ;)

    p.s thank you for the visit to my blog and the lovely comments!xoxo



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