:: Film :: BEGINNERS

I saw this movie last week and it was good. I wasn`t really blown away by it , but I enjoyed it. I had an emotional rollercoaster all the way, from laughing to crying. :) 
The story is about young man who is rocked by two announcements from his elderly father: that he has terminal cancer, and that he has a young male lover."

Ah lazy days. They always come after easter holidays, cuz I always manage to eat too much of everything! :) 
+ the weather is cloudy and dull, not fun at all ! How did you spend ur holidays? Already back on the track with your work/university? :) 

IMDB (7,2/10)

**... just to remind you, don`t forget to participate on my GIVEAWAY!


  1. bom definitvno pogledala, thx for that! :) x

  2. Dober, dober, sploh če si, tako kot jaz, McGregor fan. Človek večih talentov in globine. Njegovo igranje oz. različni sloji vlog pričajo o tem. Priporočam tudi GHOST WRITER. Dobri politični triler; just the way i like it. Igra pa še en izmed fletnih gospodov; PIERCE BROSMAN.
    Drugače pa, ako ti je McGregor všečen, da si pogledaš dok. THE LONG WAY ROUND in LONG WAY DOWN, kjer gre z dobrim prijateljem Charlijem Bormanom ter BMW motorjem na pot okoli sveta in na pot na konec Afrike. Sploh za take, kot smo mi z divjo, svobodno in romantično dušo.
    Priporočam, priporočam!!


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