:. Film :: LE SENS DE LA VIE POUR 9,99$

I decided that wednesday is the day for sharing trailers with you guys. (well, more or less..ill try to keep it this way) :)
This is another animated film that I like.( IMDB )

What`s ur favorite genre of movies? And what`s ur favorite movie + favorite cartoon?
I`d love some suggestions !

1 comment

  1. kak fajn da objavljaš predloge! skoz spremljam in spoznam kakega, ki ga je treba pogledat :) žanr.. hmm.. lažje rečem česa NE maram: brutalnih vojnih dram, res res res osladnih romantičnih filmov, vesternov, ... sicer sem pa načeloma open for anything :) fejvi filma nimam, jih je preveč dobrih... risanke pa def. vse stare s tvjev + animacije, finding nemo <3, pa vse to noovodobno alter lutkatrstvo/animacija/risnaka :)


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