SNUG. (cutboards, broaches & necklaces)

Heya people :) how are you today? I had a great weekend. Mornings were reserved for hiking on the sun & afternoons for reading books, watching movies and spending some quality time with family and friends + I  actually did some work on my thesis! 
Too bad that it`s already over, which means tomorrow is Monday. Btw I really dislike Mondays, like all the other 99% of people right? :) Ok, enough....what I really want to write about is Snug and their lovely products. First I wanted to make a post just about cutboards, but than I`ve decided I will do it all in one, and show you broaches + necklaces as well.
My favourite cutboard would be the button + cloud one (can`t really decide on that), the bird broach and the heart shaped necklace.
So, what do you think ? : ) 


  1. ja top hude stvari!tisto knofkasto dilco bi pa z največjim veseljem gledala v moji kuhnci :))))


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