A lot of times we hear people comparing Paris and NYC. There is a genius blog parisvsnyc that shows the differences that are well known, even to the people that maybe never traveled to one of this great cities.
I`ve saw Paris & NYC and they both inspired me. They are unique with its own soul and I definitely want to go back one day. 
I can`t say if one of this cities would be my favourite one, the title for that still belongs to Lisbon, but probably just because I lived there and I got to know it really good. 
It felt like home from the first week on...and it still does!
I found inspiration for this post again on

Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities.
"A friendly visual match between two cities told by a lover of Paris wandering through New York. 
Details, cliches, contradictions : This way, please. "


  1. za imeti na steni in to NUJNO :D

  2. Miriam ja tocno tko! Jzt si pridno belezim, kaj vse bo na moji steni, in joj.... mogoce bo premalo sten :)


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