:: BAKINA TAJNA (Granny`s secret) ::

Yesterday I went to the store to buy some tea and I saw this lovely packaging from Bakina Tajna. It was still the old version and I liked it so much, that I saved it to my phone, went home and googled about it! :) 
I found out that there also exists a new packaging, which is even prettier than the old one! :)  I love the design for ketchup and juice (those milk kind of bottles with the black lid!) 

Ahhh I can`t help it, black one wins! Pure elegance
On the top of my list is also the Strawberry diet jam with the white/green roses lid, because it`s something so romantic about it! 


  1. o kako lepo!! črna je top ja :)sicer še NIKOLI nisem kupila kečapa, ampak v taki steklenički bi se mu bilo težko upret :) kje pa se dobi? pr sosedu, avstrijscu al celajnu? ;)

  2. haha NIKOL še nisi kupla kečapa? Ga ne maraš al pač nikol ni priložnosti za nakup? :)
    Ja men je tok hud dizajn! Hm, jzt sm jih vidla v tušu (marmeladice), ampak še z staro embalažo in me je že tista prepričala! :)
    Potem sem šla pa brskat in sem našla vse te lepe zadeve,ki so me čist očarale! :)

  3. hehehe pa dobr si poimenovala štacune, samo sem ti napačno odgovorila. Torej,da se popravim - najdeš pri celajnu! :)

  4. res nikoli :) ne da ga ne maram, sam se res nikoli ne spomnem, da bi ga kupla + sem ga (ko sem ga) jedla samo ob pomfriju ali pečenem krompirju in če se tega ne je dost pogosto, se zna kečap ne-pojesti in s tem pokvraiti :) začuda ima od vseh teh zadev zenf prav posebno mesto v hladilniku :D


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