Okey this post is just for girls (or boys if they like scarfs) :)
If you like scarfs and you like to wear them, than this video is great for you! It`s always good to know in what ways you can wear your scarfs, right?
Well I saw this great video and I thought it`s a good material to share, so I`m sharing it. :)
Hope you`ll find something new and enjoy it.... and I wish you a great Saturday !!
I`m going for a jog right now, and even though its cold outside, I feel its a good choice. Hm , and afterwards Im going to Ljubljana to check the Open house project which I`ve already talked about it with you in this post.

What are your plans for today? Ah come on, don`t be shy and share it with me ;)

hugs for everyone!


  1. pri meni je blo danes rutinsko: walk the dog 1, go to work, shop food, eat, walk the dog 2, clean, sew, eat, stitch, walk the dog 3, stare at the computer for a while, zzzzzz

    lepo narejen video, bom z veseljem dodala kak način k svoji zbirki načinov (kak stavek ej) nošenja šalov.

  2. hehe Nina, tvoja rutina je kar pestra, vidim, da si pridna! ;)

    Waa jzt bi tud šivat znala, a maš kakšne učne ure? :) Se že ful dolgo spravljam, pa še vedno ni nič od mene in mojega šivanja :)

    Video je pa superca ja, jzt sem dobila ful idej, ker sem namreč vedno nosila šal na isti način, ki pa ni med temi 25-imi :))

  3. Ja luštno bi blo nardit kak tak kreativni tečaj šivanja. Preden izumre ta veščina, haha :) Se bomo zmenl, ko bom dipl. ;) upam da zelo kmalu!


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