Evo me nazaj v Sloveniji (ah kako hitro čas beži!). Bilo je super, malce naporno, vendar vredno truda.
No, preden me vzame spanec in potonem v globoke sanje, še na hitro ta objava. Fotke iz samega potovanja moram spraviti v red, nato sledi objava/e, da vam naredim malce skomin. ; ) 

Med sprehodom po Parizu, me je pritegnila izložba, kjer se je vse bleščalo v barvah. :) Predvsem se je moja  pozornost usmerila na verižico in zapestnico iz prvega kolaža. V trgovini sem prosila za njihovo poslovno kartico in seveda sem jih "poguglala", ter odkrila še veliko več super finih stvari, ki jih v trgovini žal niso imeli razstavljenih. 
Sem hotela pofotkat trgovinico, vendar mi je uspela samo ena slika (in še ta na skrivaj), ker žal ni bilo dovoljeno fotografirati, tako da tudi tista ni najboljša. : ) 

Okej, lahko noč. Jutri pa več o samem potovanju....


Okey, Im back. Its always good to go, but it`s even better to come back home. Haha, I was always against this saying, but every year I agree more. Paris was great & super fun, a bit tiring, but totally worth it! 
So before I go to sleep, here is a quick post about Sobral. 
And btw I will try to manage my photos from the trip as soon as possible, but I started to work today (new job), and I still have some university stuff to take care off, so I`m super busy these days.  But I promise that I have so many cool photos and material for the next posts....just don`t miss it! ;) 

So during the first day walk in Paris I saw this amazing showcase, where everything was so pretty and shiny :) 
(c`mon Im a girl, of course Im attracted to that kind of stuff). Especially I loved the necklace and braclet that you can see on the first collage. I asked for their business card and of course  "googled" the store, and damn, I was amazed. They have so many great things. I also tried to take some photos in the store, but they didn`t allow it`s a good thing that we have internet. :) 

Glavni krivec za nastanek teh umetnin je Carlos Sobral.
The founder and head designer is Carlos Sobral.

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