Še ena ful luštna trgovinca, kjer si lahko kupite kakšen pisan in čisto poseben pripomoček, ki vam bo polepšal kuhinjo. (z lepimi stvarmi je vedno fino kuhat )  ;)
Na voljo je sicer tudi veliko drugih stvari, vendar sem se odločila, da so mi kuhinjske zadeve najljubše. Ostalo vam predstavim v kakšni drugi objavi, lahko pa si tudi sami pogledate njihovo ponudbo --> klik.

Here you can check where the Pylones shops are located. 

Another interesting store with really cute design ideas. ( if you wish to know the designers click here)
You can buy yourself something colorful & unique, that will make your kitchen even more attractive.  :) 
There is a wide offer of other things as well, but I decided to introduce the kitchen section , because I love it the most. You can check their website, to see all the other amazing things they are selling. 
Prepare, to be tempted. :)

Left: Tart slice ; Right: Ice cream scoop 
Left: Rolling egg cup ; Right: Serving tray

Left: Tin opener ; Right: Vegetable peeler


  1. kupi ti to meni ko bom sla na svoje...kupis pa v lj v maxiju:)

  2. hehe urša, evo zapisano pod ideje za darilo ;) drugac v maxiju so neke podobne zadeve, ni pa teh :)


    na tej spletni strani se lahko kupijo izdelki znamke Pylones v sloveniji.


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