Te lustne posnetke sem nasla na youtube-u ze kar nekaj casa nazaj, vendar sem na njih cisto pozabila. Danes pa sem ravno iskala nekaj v zvezi s Parizom (ker grem tja naslednji mesec - jeeeej!) in sem se zopet spomnila na njihov obstoj. So enkratni in si vsekakor zasluzijo objavo.
I found all this videos on youtube a couple of months ago and totally forgot on them. 
Today I was searching for some stuff about Paris (cuz im going there next month - yeey!) and I remembered again on their existance. So, they are absolutely amazing and totally worth reblogging. :) 

p.s. I would make just one post but It`s not possible if you share them (only if you make a link connection and that is just not that cool).

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