Ta objava je bolj za punce, ker fantje niso ravno navdušeni nad nakitom in raznimi dodatki za katerimi punce tako norimo. :) (No, nekateri so, ampak jaz jih poznam bolj malo takšnih. Lahko pa dobijo super idejo za kakšno darilce ob rojstnem dnevu ipd.)
Predstavljam vam izdelke od ene zelo fajn gospodične, ki rada izdeluje uhančke, ogrlice, obročke, lepe fotografije in še marsikaj. Ni kaj, punca ima talent !
This post is girly oriented, because I don`t think guys are really big fans of jewellery and all the accessories that we girls love so much. (At least I dont know any of those guys, but I`m aware that they exist) :)
Let me introduce you, to a very fine lady, that loves making earrings, necklaces, headbands and much, much more. Yeah, she is a lucky girl with a great talent!

Obročki / Headbands:

Uhančki / Earrings:

Ogrlice / Necklaces :

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