Za vse, ki ste po srcu in duši avanturisti, vam predstavljam nekaj spletnih strani, ki vam lahko pridejo prav. Sama sem uporabnica Couchsurfinga in imam samo super izkušnje. Veliko ljudi vzame to zadevo narobe in sicer samo kot zastonj prenočišče (pa čeprav je to tudi super), vendar CS je veliko več. Spoznaš lokalne ljudi in njihov način življenja. Vidiš in odkriješ stvari, katere mogoče drugače ne bi (ker le-te niso tako turistične), imaš eno super izkušnjo in seveda novega prijatelja.

Spoznala sem veliko super ljudi, ki sem/smo jih gostili ali pa sem jaz bila pri njih. Do sedaj še nisem imela slabe izkušnje, itak je pa večina ljudi ful odprtih, zabavnih, zanimivih in vedno se lahko naučiš kaj novega od njih, le zadržkov ne smeš imeti. ;)

Če še niste slišali za CS in vas zanima, kako deluje si lahko ogledate video na youtube .


For all the people that are adventurous by their heart and soul, here are some web sites that might come in handy. I`m using Couchsurfing and I have only really good experiences. A lot of people takes the whole meaning of the website wrong, because they are using it only for a free accommodation (even though for sure that is one big positive thing). :) But CS it`s about so much more. You have a chance to meet local people and their way of life & feel how they are thinking and living. It`s a lifetime experience where probably you got yourself a good new friend. :) 

I met so many cool people, that I hosted or I was hosted by. I never had a bad experience so far and I hope it stays that way :) Anyway most of the people are really cool, opened, fun, interesting and you can always learn something new from them, you just need to relax and enjoy.  ;) 
If you never heard about CS before, and you would like to know how exactly it works, you can check out this youtube video.  

Podobne strani so še (sama nimam z njimi izkušenj, vendar naj bi bile na isti princip) :
Similar sites as CS (I never tried them out, but its the same thing like CS):

Obstajajo tudi strani, kjer si lahko najameš stanovanje za dan, dva, teden ... (kar kul zadeva!)
Also there are sites where you can book/rent your own apartment/room for a day or two, a week, a month...

In pa še nekaj na splošno kul strani, za vse, ki radi potujete:
And here are some cool sites for all the travelers out there : 

hehe sem "našopala" zdej te strani, upam da vsak najde kaj uporabnega tudi zase ;)

Are you also using Couchsurfing or any other similar sites ? 
Share your experiences with me,  give some more advices or just some cool websites that you know... :) 

And keep on traveling, that`s all life is about! (at least for some people) :) 

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